

Kolekcja Romina to nowoczesne, eleganckie meble, z płyty MDF pokrytej białym matowym lakierem, uwieńczone blatem z litego dębu sękatego olejowanego. Wszystkie elementy zestawu posiadają oświetlenie LED pod blatem i są przeznaczone do samodzielnego montażu.

Romina 48997 chest of drawers with lighting

Romina 48997 chest of drawers with light...

Romina - a chest of drawers with lighting and a solid oak top
Romina 48990 TV cabinet with lighting

Romina 48990 TV cabinet with lighting

Romina - TV cabinet with lighting and a solid oak top
Romina 48998 chest of drawers with lighting

Romina 48998 chest of drawers with light...

Romina - a chest of drawers with lighting and a solid oak top
Romina 48996 chest of drawers with lighting

Romina 48996 chest of drawers with light...

Romina - a chest of drawers with lighting and a solid oak top
Romina 48993 chest of drawers with lighting

Romina 48993 chest of drawers with light...

Romina - a chest of drawers with lighting and a solid oak top
Romina 48994 cabinet with lighting

Romina 48994 cabinet with lighting

Romina - a chest of drawers with lighting and a solid oak top
Romina 48995 chest of drawers with lighting

Romina 48995 chest of drawers with light...

Romina - large chest of drawers with lighting and a solid oak top